Evacuate: means that you should leave the building or area you are in immediately and safely.
Before an Evacuation
- Sign up for UConnALERT.
- Determine your primary and secondary escape routes. You should always know two ways out of your building.
- Determine an assembly point outside of your building. Ensure that everyone in your department knows where the assembly point is.
- The blue UConn Building sign outside of each building is an example of an assembly point.
- Develop a system to account for everyone in your unit. If someone is not at the assembly point, do you know how to contact them?
- FACULTY — before you teach a class, determine an assembly point outside of the building that you can evacuate to. In the event of an evacuation, you should instruct your class to exit the building and go to this point. You should think about this for each of the different locations that you teach in. They should be a safe distance from the building.
During an Evacuation
- If time and conditions permit, secure your workplace and take important personal items with you (keys, purse/wallet, medication, and/or eye glasses). Do not waste time.
- Calmly and quickly proceed to the nearest exit. Walk, do not run. Your nearest exit may not be the way you entered.
- FACULTY — If you are teaching a class, calmly instruct the class to exit to an assembly point outside. Grab your belongings and quickly evacuate to the area you designated outside. Provide further instruction from the exterior of the building.
- If you are the last one out of a room, close the door behind you.
- Do not use the elevator.
- Keep noise low so you can hear emergency instructions.
- Use handrails in stairwells, stay to the right of the stairwell and allow Emergency Personnel to pass you.
- Wait outside for further instruction from Emergency Personnel.
- Immediately report anyone that you believe may be missing or trapped inside to Emergency Personnel.
- Never reenter a building until it is declared safe by Emergency Personnel or you receive the “All Clear.”
If you become trapped
- Get inside a room and close the door.
- If there is a smoke or fire condition, or in a hazmat incident, put a towel in the space between the bottom of the door and the floor.
- Call 911 from your telephone and tell the dispatcher your location and condition.
- If there is a window in the room, signal for help with a brightly colored object or hang a sheet from it outside.
To Assist Individuals with Special Needs During an Evacuation
To assist persons with impaired vision - In an emergency situation:
- Announce the type of emergency
- Offer your arm for guidance.
- Tell the person where you are going
- Once safe, ask if further assistance is needed.
- Let Emergency Personnel know where these individuals are.
To alert persons with impaired hearing - Because persons with impaired hearing may not perceive emergency alarms, an alternative way to warn them is required.
- Turn lights on/off to gain the person’s attention, or
- Indicate through gestures what is happening and what to do.
- Write a note with evacuation directions, such as: "Fire. Go out rear door to the right and down, NOW!"
- Let Emergency Personnel know where these individuals are.
To evacuate persons using crutches, canes, or walkers:
- Evacuate these individuals the same as you would an injured person.
- Assist and accompany to evacuation site if possible
- Use a sturdy chair (or one with wheels) to move the person
- Help carry the individual to safety.
- Let Emergency Personnel know where these individuals are.
Do not put yourself or others in danger. If the situation does not allow you to safely assist with their evacuation, get them to a stairwell or other safe location. Immediately notify Emergency Personnel of the individuals’ situations and location.
- Keep roadways clear for emergency vehicles.
- Use an alternate exit if your primary exit is obstructed.
- If smoke is present, stay low to the floor.
- If there is a fire, check doors for heat before opening. Do not open a door if it feels hot.
- Always use common sense. There are exceptions to all guidance and prescribed directions.