Bomb Threat 
All bomb threats should be treated seriously. Always assume a bomb threat is real. Since this type of threat may require the evacuation of buildings, a quick and organized response is essential to minimize the risk to students, faculty, staff and visitors. The following information is presented to assist individuals in knowing what to do when receiving a bomb threat, and when responding to a bomb threat elsewhere on campus.
Before A Bomb Threat
- Sign up for UConnALERT.
- Keep a copy of OEM’s Bomb Threat Checklist by each telephone in your department.
- Know two ways out and determine an assembly point outside of your building.
- Develop a plan in your department on how the phone recipient will get the attention of someone else and how you will communicate.
- Ensure that your employees know these terms:
If You Receive a Bomb Threat by Phone
- Remain calm and do not hang up the phone. Keep the caller on the line and try to obtain as much information as possible without angering the caller.
- Take out and use OEM’s Bomb Threat Checklist if you have one available.
- Write down what is displayed on your caller ID if possible.
- Try to get someone’s attention to call 9-1-1.
- Calmly ask the caller:
- When is the bomb going to detonate?
- Where is it?
- What does it look like?
- What will cause it to detonate?
- Did you place the bomb?
- Why did you place the bomb?
- Who is your target?
- What is your name?
- Where are you calling from?
- Record the date, time, caller’s name, location, caller’s gender, voice accent, voice quality, the emotional state, and any background noise you hear.
- Immediately ensure 9-1-1 was called and your name/location was provided.
- Be prepared to provide as much information as possible to authorities.
- Notify your supervisor immediately after 9-1-1 is called.
- Remember:
- If the threat was left on voice mail, do not erase it.
- Do not activate the building alarm system to evacuate.
- Follow instructions from Emergency Personnel and UConnALERT.
If You Receive a Threat via Email
- Call 9-1-1 immediately and report the situation.
- Do not delete, reply to, or forward the email.
- Follow the instructions of Emergency Personnel.
- Do not activate the building alarm system to evacuate.
- Be prepared to provide as much information as possible to authorities.
- Notify your supervisor in person or by telephone after calling 9-1-1.
If You Receive a Threat in Writing
- Call 9-1-1 immediately and report the situation.
- Do not touch or throw away the threat.
- Follow the instructions of emergency personnel.
- Be prepared to provide as much information as possible to authorities.
- Notify your supervisor in person or by telephone after calling 9-1-1.
During a Bomb Threat
If there is an emergency (other than the bomb threat), call 9-1-1 immediately.
- Follow the instructions of Emergency Personnel and UConnALERT.
If you are in a lab:
- Calmly stop your work.
- Start to secure your materials.
- Close containers in fume hoods and close the sash.
- Close any other open chemical containers.
- Closely follow the instructions of Emergency Personnel and UConnALERT.
If You Are Teaching a Class:
- Calmly stop class and inform your class of the situation.
- Prepare your class for an evacuation.
- Unless told to evacuate and no threats are present, instruct your class to remain in the room.
- Follow the instructions of Emergency Personnel and UConnALERT.
- You may be instructed to evacuate the building, shelter-in-place or lockdown.
If there is a Suspicious Package with the Bomb Threat
- Do not touch, move, or alter the object.
- Inform others and evacuate the immediate area.
- Once you have left the immediate area, call 9-1-1.
- Provide your name, location, object location, and suspicious details.
- Write down any information you have about the object. You can give this to Emergency Personnel when they arrive before you forget.
- Follow the instructions of Emergency Personnel and UConnALERT.
After a Bomb Threat
- Follow instructions until you receive the official “All Clear” order from:
- Emergency Personnel
- University Officials
- Discuss how you will make up missed work.
- Return to normal operations.
- Call 9-1-1 to report anything suspicious.
Faculty and Staff
After the “All Clear” is issued and you return to normal operations, OEM recommends that you discuss the Bomb Threat with your team and identify the strengths and weaknesses of how the incident went. Develop a plan for how to respond to a Bomb Threat in the future and include it in your department Emergency Operations Plan. Call OEM at 860-486-5174 with any questions. Encourage your staff and faculty to sign up for UConnALERT.