

SECONDS FOR SAFETYTM Seconds For Safety logo

In an emergency, every second matters. All it takes is a second for things to change forever. Spend a few Seconds for SafetyTM today to learn what to do in various emergency situations, get preparedness tips and improve your understanding of emergency terminology.

Seconds for SafetyTM is a collaborative product of the Office of Emergency Management. As part of the UConnREADY public outreach program, Seconds for SafetyTM posters, bulletins and digital prints are distributed throughout the entire UConn community. In addition to physical locations throughout the University, you can find all of the current and archived Seconds for SafetyTM below.

seconds for safety posters (active threat, evacuate, suspicious objects fire alarm)

We encourage you to review all editions of Seconds for SafetyTM, to share them with you coworkers, students, and friends and to download them to your computer or mobile device.

 No.  Title  Download PDF
1  Active Threat  Download Now
2  Evacuate  Download Now
3  Fire Alarm  Download Now
4  Suspicious Package  Download Now

Seconds for SafetyTM is available for purchase through the UConn Design & Document Production Center store.


If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Emergency Management at If you do post/share the Seconds for SafetyTM, we would love to hear about it! Send us a picture of where you have posted the Seconds for SafetyTM to and we will post it in our slide show below!