There are many non-university organizations that are directly involved in UConn’s operational footprint. For example, there are multiple religious organizations located within the Storrs campus and various nonprofit organizations operating on all UConn campuses. The University of Connecticut’s Office of Emergency Management encourages our community partners to be prepared for an emergency event. Our community partners will play a critical role in the University’s response to an emergency incident. Please take a moment to review our planning guidelines below and navigate through the various resources on our website.
Faith-Based Organizations
Faith-based organizations are an important part of our community on the Storrs campus. There are multiple places of worship within our Storrs campus footprint. It is important that we work together to ensure that these community partners are prepared for an emergency. We want to help start the planning discussion! We encourage your place of worship to:
- Establish emergency contacts and create an emergency communications plan
- Who will you contact in the event of an emergency?
- How will you contact them?
- Develop a building evacuation plan
- Read OEM’s guide on building evacuation.
- Where are the emergency exits and fire pull stations located?
- Do you know two ways out of your building?
- Where will you assemble outside of your building?
- How will you account for your people?
- Develop a campus evacuation plan
- If you have to leave campus, where will you go?
- How will you get there?
- How will you close your building?
- Create a shelter-in-place plan
- Read OEM’s guide on sheltering in place.
- Do you have a safe and secure location identified?
- Create a lockdown plan
- Read OEM’s guide on lockdowns.
- Do you have a safe and secure location identified?
- Who will secure the doors and windows?
- Make an emergency kit
- Bookmark alert.uconn.edu
- Follow UConn on Facebook at facebook.com/UConn.
- Contact us with questions you may have
Parents, local businesses, visitors, community partners, and others can now get the same UConnAlert text messages that students, faculty, and staff receive in the event of emergencies or other urgent situations. Those messages can be received by anyone who texts “UCONNALERT” (one word, not case-sensitive) to 888-777.
Standard messaging and data rates apply, and anyone who signs up can opt out by simply texting “STOP” to the same number. This is not a routine messaging tool, and those signing up will only recieve urgent communications about situations with potential impact to health and safety. Whenever such a message is received, be sure to follow guidance in the text alert and visit this site, alert.uconn.edu, for additional information and updates.
There are many private organizations that operate on our Storrs and regional campuses. You are part of our community and it is important that we work together to ensure that you are prepared for a disaster on our campuses. We want to help start the planning discussion! We encourage your business to:
- Establish emergency contacts and create an emergency communications plan
- Who will you contact in the event of an emergency?
- How will you contact them?
- Develop a building evacuation plan
- Have you read OEM’s guide on building evacuation?
- Where are the emergency exits and fire pull stations located?
- Do you have fire extinguishers? Are your employees trained on how to use them?
- Do you know two ways out of your building?
- Where will you assemble outside of your building?
- How will you account for your people?
- Develop a campus evacuation plan
- If you have to leave campus, where will you go?
- How will you get there?
- How will you close your building?
- Create a shelter-in-place plan
- Have you read OEM’s guide on sheltering in place?
- Do you have a safe and secure location identified?
- Create a lockdown plan
- Have you read OEM’s guide on lockdowns?
- Do you have a safe and secure location identified?
- Who will secure the doors and windows?
- Make an emergency kit
- Develop a Business Continuity Plan
- How will you continue/restore normal business functions after a disaster?
- Do you have essential data backed up to a separate location?
- Do you have manual workaround systems to restore operations quickly?
- Bookmark alert.uconn.edu
- Follow UConn on Facebook at facebook.com/UConn.
- Contact us with questions you may have
Parents, local businesses, visitors, community partners, and others can now get the same UConnAlert text messages that students, faculty, and staff receive in the event of emergencies or other urgent situations. Those messages can be received by anyone who texts “UCONNALERT” (one word, not case-sensitive) to 888-777.
Standard messaging and data rates apply, and anyone who signs up can opt out by simply texting “STOP” to the same number. This is not a routine messaging tool, and those signing up will only recieve urgent communications about situations with potential impact to health and safety. Whenever such a message is received, be sure to follow guidance in the text alert and visit this site, alert.uconn.edu, for additional information and updates.
Nonprofit Organizations
Nonprofit organizations are important University partners. Nonprofit organizations interact with all of our campuses. We encourage our nonprofit partners to start planning for an emergency on campus to help us better prepare our entire community. Here are some tips to start the discussion:
- Establish emergency contacts and create an emergency communications plan
- Who will you contact in the event of an emergency?
- How will you contact them?
- Develop a building evacuation plan
- Have you read OEM’s guide on building evacuation?
- Where are the emergency exits and fire pull stations located?
- Do you know two ways out of your building?
- Where will you assemble outside of your building?
- How will you account for your people?
- Develop a campus evacuation plan
- If you have to leave campus, where will you go?
- How will you get there?
- How will you close your building?
- Create a shelter-in-place plan
- Have you read OEM’s guide on sheltering in place?
- Do you have a safe and secure location identified?
- Create a lockdown plan
- Have you read OEM’s guide on lockdowns?
- Do you have a safe and secure location identified?
- Who will secure the doors and windows?
- Make an emergency kit
- Bookmark alert.uconn.edu
- Follow UConn on Facebook at facebook.com/UConn
- Contact us with questions you may have
Parents, local businesses, visitors, community partners, and others can now get the same UConnAlert text messages that students, faculty, and staff receive in the event of emergencies or other urgent situations. Those messages can be received by anyone who texts “UCONNALERT” (one word, not case-sensitive) to 888-777.
Standard messaging and data rates apply, and anyone who signs up can opt out by simply texting “STOP” to the same number. This is not a routine messaging tool, and those signing up will only recieve urgent communications about situations with potential impact to health and safety. Whenever such a message is received, be sure to follow guidance in the text alert and visit this site, alert.uconn.edu, for additional information and updates.
UConn has lots of neighbors and we encourage you to be part of our disaster preparedness community! To get started:
- Establish emergency contacts and create an emergency communications plan
- Who will you contact in the event of an emergency?
- How will you contact them?
- Make an emergency kit
- Bookmark alert.uconn.edu
- Follow UConn on Facebook at facebook.com/UConn
- Contact us with questions you may have
- Check out your local Office of Emergency Management
Parents, local businesses, visitors, community partners, and others can now get the same UConnAlert text messages that students, faculty, and staff receive in the event of emergencies or other urgent situations. Those messages can be received by anyone who texts “UCONNALERT” (one word, not case-sensitive) to 888-777.
Standard messaging and data rates apply, and anyone who signs up can opt out by simply texting “STOP” to the same number. This is not a routine messaging tool, and those signing up will only recieve urgent communications about situations with potential impact to health and safety. Whenever such a message is received, be sure to follow guidance in the text alert and visit this site, alert.uconn.edu, for additional information and updates.
You may have already noticed it around campus, but have you wondered, “What is UConnREADY?” UConnREADY is a university-wide University Safety and preparedness campaign developed by the UConn Office of Emergency Management. The purpose of the campaign is to “create a community proud to be safe.” The campaign uses social media and online platforms, outreach events and UConnREADY gear to connect with our Husky community, improve preparedness, and educate about available resources. UConnREADY is UConn’s tool to brand and market safety. We are all part of the Husky community and have a shared responsibility to be ready for disaster. We encourage you to be part of the campaign and get UConnREADY!
For more resources, Check out these additional emergency preparedness resources.