Happy Holiday Tips

Ready Campaign

Happy Holiday Tips

It’s the holiday season and it’s definitely keeping us all on our toes. We’ve got plenty of tips and tricks for you to keep your spirits bright and stay safe, but this year we thought we might bring them to you a little differently—via a poem. We hope you enjoy—and have a very happy (and safe!) holiday season.

The clock is ticking and we’re down to the wire

Everything feels like it’s just caught on fire.

But, let’s be certain that isn’t true

Keep your real trees watered and your plants too.


The gift list keeps growing, everyone gets a toy

Tablets, e-readers and chargers, oh boy!

There are plenty of deals out here and out there,

If you’re buying online, be secure and aware.


Plenty of people with candles alight

Might want to keep them from becoming a fright.

The way to do that is to keep them away

From the things that could catch on fire some way.


The big day is near, you plan to travel some place.

But a big winter storm rears its big ugly face.

It might change your plans and keep you at home

But that’s better than going out in a snow dome.


The best thing to do is sit down to a feast,

Mashed potatoes and stuffing and a big old roast beast at least.

Keep an eye on them as they sit and they stew.

That way your dinner will be sure to woo.


When the day is over, the kids all in bed.

It’s time to settle into the comfy bedspread.

Turn out the holiday lights, their job is all done.

We hope your holiday’s a big happy one.


As an aside, we hope you really do have a big happy holiday season and we have some great tips and tricks for all your friends on social media in the holiday and travel safety toolkit on our website.

unplug holiday lights safety graphic


The FEMA Ready Campaign Team