Do1thing: November


Monthly Reminder

Small steps toward being prepared for an emergency

Do 1 Thing is a 12-month program that makes it easy for you to prepare yourself, your family, and your community for emergencies or disasters.

Do1Thing in November: Emergency Supplies

Remember important items that may be overlooked when leaving your home in a disaster.

Gather your emergency supplies in an accessible place.

Have a go bag ready if you have to shelter in place or evacuate your home. Your go bag can be part of your emergency kit, just make sure it is in a bag or easy to carry container and that it is easy to get to.
Create an emergency supply kit for your pet, your car, and your workplace or school.
Disasters can strike when you are away from home. If your office or school does not have an emergency kit, offer to help make one.
Stash some cash in case ATMs and credit card machines are not usable in a disaster.
Some experts say you should have at minimum $150.00 in cash stashed away. Realizing this may not be possible for everyone, any amount is good to start with.
News from the 11/01/2016 edition:


Emergency Supplies

Remember important items that may be overlooked when leaving your home in a disaster.
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