UConn Emergency Operations Plan

emergency operation plan poster

On Wednesday, September 28th, 2016, UConn’s President Susan Herbst signed the new UConn Emergency Operations Plan, authorizing its implementation throughout the University. The Office of Emergency Management has spent the last two years completely revamping the emergency management program at UConn, which included rewriting the Emergency Operations Plan. To develop this new plan, the Office of Emergency Management met with planning teams from many essential divisions, departments and offices at UConn, all regional campuses, UConn Health and John Dempsey Hospital. In addition, the Office of Emergency Management met with local emergency managers across Connecticut and state-level emergency management officials.

The Office of Emergency Management maintains UConn’s Emergency Operations Plan with active involvement from the UConn community. The Plan is an all-hazards based which details the procedures for planning, response, recovery and mitigation of hazards and threats to the University of Connecticut at all campus locations, including considerations for Education Abroad programs. Essential University of Connecticut personnel should review the document to become familiar with its guidelines prior to an incident or event. The EOP is reviewed and tested annually to ensure effectiveness and compliance with state and federal regulations.

For more information and to view the EOP, visit www.publicsafety.uconn.edu/emergency/uconn-emergency-operations-plan/.